Sunday, April 26, 2009


From faithful Jewess and Israeli Daisy Stern:


To all trusted readers,

I have very bad and sad news for you, and the question is we should do in response .

I received a telephone call from a trusted source, who told me that according to inside information from within the government, ALL the comprehensive agreement with the Vatican is already signed: what they have to sign on Thursday are only the finishing touches; what that tells me is that the contested Church properties have already been "returned" to the possession of the Catholic Church, just as the Russian Compound had been returned to Russia, without a beep of protest from us Jews. I was also told that both Chief Rabbis already know about it, that they both went to the Vatican recently, that everything is basically sealed and signed, and "OK".


Since I had received similar information from another trusted source re: the Cenacle Room earlier today, I have to assume that the information is correct.

After receiving these devastating news, I wanted to know if there is anything that can be done from the legal point of view, such as, for instance, SUBPOENA the documents.

I was put in touch with an Israeli lawyer - religious, according to his words -, and this is in essence what he explained to me - forgive me if I don't quote him exactly and correctly, as I am not an attorney.

1. SUBPOENA does NOT exist in Israel. What they have instead is the law of freedom of information.

2. If I were to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a citizen, requiring to see exactly WHAT has been signed, BY WHOM, AND WHEN, I would most likely receive bits and pieces of information, but they are not obligated to show me the whole accord.

3. If on the other hand, the DIASPORA YESHIVA, for instance, as a plaintiff , as an entity which will DIRECTLY suffer as a result of these accords, were to request to see the whole documentation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , the latter WOULD HAVE TO show it to them. However, the process can take about 6 weeks, way to long for our time frame.

4. I suggested to the lawyer that I, - or yourselves - as direct heirs of Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov, would like to file a complaint because my - our- inheritance has been personally damaged by this action; he said this would not stand in these courts. Even if a group of us did the same. No class action suit would work here ( at least according to him)

5. It is useless to do a BAGATZ, because they do not want to get involved in affairs of state, and at any rate, the state could claim secrecy for state protection.

6. However, at first he said that if we could find a lawyer to do a Bagatz tonight, in a few hours we could be in court, requesting the documents be unsealed: 1600 NIS court fees, plus attorney fees.And a good chance that at the end we get nothing. IS THERE AN ATTORNEY OUT THERE WILLING TO DO THE WORK PRO BONO, IF WE PAY THE COURT FEES???? Could that same attorney advise us whether it is worth it or not to do this: do we have a chance to get any information by tomorrow or Tuesday?

7.So the best course of action would be for the DIASPORA YESHIVA to HIRE AN ATTORNEY, and THROUGH AN ATTORNEY, REQUEST TO SEE THE COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION SIGNED BETWEEN ISRAEL AND THE VATICAN RE: ALL THE PROPERTIES. AND ISRAEL would have to produce the document, although they might still find ways to get around it somehow, to a certain degree. And it would take about one and a half month to get the info, way after the pope's visit.

Unless, of course, they can obtain this information directly from the lawyer to the Vatican, if he is willing to simply show them the papers - but why would he, though, if everything was deliberately kept secret all along?

The lawyer I spoke to seemed interested in the fact that all these negotiations and signatures have been going on all this time in secret. He was also trying to find out from me exactly what was signed. But I myself AM trying to find out exactly the same thing! What are the terms, what was signed away, etc. etc.

So I think we need to ask the Diaspora Yeshiva to work with us, to help us discover ALL THE DIRTY DETAILS OF THIS ROBBERY IN BROAD DAYLIGHT OF AM YISRAEL.

THE BEITH DIN of the "SANHEDRIN" maybe has one of two things they could do at this time, from a halachic point of view, to ANNUL THIS AGREEMENT, whatever it is.

BUT, THERE IS STILL A PART OF THE AGREEMENT THAT IS PENDING ON THURSDAY, AND FOR THAT, I THINK WE STILL CAN , AND NEED TO DO, MASSIVE DEMONSTRATIONS. All we can do is demonstrate against this rotten pope and his church, and against this treasonous government that acted in secret, in cahoot with our enemy and his bloody clique, against the interests of the Jewish People.

Maybe there is a way - I didn't ask about that - to file criminal complaints against the people in the Israeli government who signed the documents, and who are responsible for the deception , once we find out who they are.

I am very upset, as I am sure you are too. I cannot believe the deception that was perpetrated by all government bodies, including the chief rabbis, on all of us. Shame on all of them, for as long as they live. This is no different from the secret deals done with the Nazis by the likes of Kasztner and Ben Gurion, on the back of all the Hungarian Jews. And being paid to do it too. Filthy, dishonest, bribed officials who should have cried foul to the high heavens, once they saw what was going on, and instead just kept silent and continued to pocket their fat salaries.

They should all rot in hell.