Your Presidential campaign has drawn the enthusiastic support of an imposing collection of Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Holocaust Deniers, 9/11 “Truthers” and other paranoid and discredited conspiracists.
Do you welcome- or repudiate – the support of such factions?
If discredited and paranoid Michael Medved is so concerned about it, let him actually
follow his
Judaism to the
Jewish Homeland of Israel and take the treacherous ACLU and its liberal ilk, and every other self-hating, defeatist, godless group and loathsome organization with him. What's he got to lose, especially if he fails to believe the Israeli
oligarchy is under German-Jesuit control and guilty of murdering
Yitzhak Rabin?
Once there, may God grant such swine repentance that they may lead holy lives in the holy land and confess and repent of the destruction they've wreaked around the world or drown in their own perdition.
I'm voting for RON PAUL, along with a diverse group of people who support his common sense.
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