Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ethiopia doesn't have the Ark of the Covenant

'Ark of the Covenant' about to be unveiled?
Ethiopian patriarch tells pope he will show artifact to world


Despite illegitimate claims from apostate Christians in Gentile lands, the Ark of the Covenant is under the Temple Mount, in the Holy of Holies, awaiting its imminent placement in the Third Temple foretold by the Prophets and destined to become a House of Prayer for All Peoples - unlike the present deplorable status quo of Nazi Muslim occupation that forcibly and illegally denies Christians and Jews their religious rights to pray or read the Bible upon the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site.

Although the Ark of the Covenant is not in Ethiopia, we know that the Vatican holds many of the temple treasures hostage, including the Menorah and the Sefer ha-Azarah courtyard scroll (written by Ezra), which must be returned to Jerusalem where they belong.

Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

The Correct Location of the Temple and the Holy of Holies

Will the pope act like Belshazzar or Cyrus?

Marauder Obama

On June 4, 2009, President [usurper] Barack H. Obama delivered a speech in Cairo, Egypt, that contained a distorted view of the Jewish people's historical ties to the land of their forefathers, the land of Israel.

This video is a response.

Soetoro (who has never proven he's legally changed his name to Obama or that he's a natural born citizen) is clearly not a Christian. Legitimate Christians would never refer to the accursed Koran as "holy." What a fraud! What a marauder! The sooner this "Korach" goes "down" in history, the better, so help us God.

Where's the Birth Certificate? Jews and Christian Zionists can pull the Muslim prayer rug from out under Soetoro/Obama by demanding to know, as well as demanding to see proof of a legal name change that should have been reported to the State Department for passport purposes and the State of Illinois when he started his political mass deception.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Yehuda Glick targeted by Leftists

Harassed by the authorities because of his activities to bring Jews to the Temple Mount...
Since the liberation of the Temple Mount in 1967, the government of Israel implements racist decrees against the Jews who want to go up, in purity, to the Temple Mount.In the last few years more and more Jews have asked to go up to the Temple Mount in purity (i.e. according to strict halachic rulings), with the support of Rabbi Dov Lior and other Rabbis.The Israeli police does everything to try and limit the number of Jews going up and prevents from those going up any form of prayer, bowing down or any other mitzvah....

Israeli religious discrimination against Yehuda Glick

The Bolsheviks also harass Christians who go up to the Temple Mount. The Leftist war against the Right - regardless of whether they're Christian or Jewish.

A House of Prayer For All Peoples?
Will Israel Right the Wrong against David Ben-Ariel?

Let the persecution of Yehuda Glick incite Jews and Israelis to demand an end to religious discrimination against Jews and Christians upon the Temple Mount.

Monday, June 08, 2009

It's not disputed territory to those who submit to God's Word!

ytba has left a new comment on the post "Obama's Plan":


"the West bank is - by international law - occupied territory. "But Simon has got it totally wrong. It is, by International Law, "Disputed Territory"

Also, the PLO covenant even EXPLICITLY STATED that they do NOT make any claim to Gaza or "The West Bank" (Judea and Samaria as is their proper names, Judea because it was the portion of the tribe of Juda.)The "occupied" myth is one of the BIG lies of our times.


Thursday, June 04, 2009

Jewish Pioneering Communities must grow

Re: (Israel Interior Minister) Eli Yishai vows to help expand settlements
respond to Obama's outreach to the Arabs by expanding West Bank settlements

A proper word for such exciting settlements are Jewish Pioneering Communities in bibical Judea and Samaria. The East Bank of the Jordan River remains Arab-occupied (in British-forged "Jordan" on dismembered parts of the Promised Land of Israel)), but you never hear the msm refer to it as the "East Bank." The New Testament refers to such biblical territories as Judea and Samaria, just like the Bible does.

Christian Zionists and Jews of faith recognize these facts, and it's past time president usurper, the fraud and foreigner Soetoro/Obama, submit to the Word and Will of God and acknowledge it's the Promised Land of ISRAEL - not Ishmael or an acursed Palestine!

Long live the Jewish homeland!