Read this for important background information - The Kempler Video of Yitzhak Rabin Assassination step by step - then WATCH THE KEMPLER VIDEO for yourself.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
UN Resolution 181, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres & the Kempler Video
Shimon Peres Charged with the Murder of Yitzhak Rabin?
By David Ben-Ariel
The Justice for Rabin Coalition charges the Israeli authorities with a massive cover-up of Yitzhak Rabin's assassination.
The Yitzhak Rabin Murder Video (the Kempler Video)
By David Ben-Ariel
Pressure is on for Israel to reopen the Rabin file. This article will help you understand what will soon make world news.
By David Ben-Ariel
The Justice for Rabin Coalition charges the Israeli authorities with a massive cover-up of Yitzhak Rabin's assassination.
The Yitzhak Rabin Murder Video (the Kempler Video)
By David Ben-Ariel
Pressure is on for Israel to reopen the Rabin file. This article will help you understand what will soon make world news.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Shimon Peres charged with the murder of Yitzhak Rabin!
Shimon Peres charged with the murder of Yitzhak Rabin
by the Justice for Rabin Coalition
April 27, 2006/ 30 Nisan 5766
We, the undersigned, leaders of major Jewish groups and organizations, hereby sorrowfully acknowledge our lack of leadership in pursuit of justice for slain Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
We deeply regret standing idly by the blood of our brother Yitzhak Rabin, especially after the initial shock of his assassination wore off and gaping holes were exposed in the corrupt conclusions of the Shamgar Commission that we refused to believe. However, we are now convinced the Shamgar Commission represents nothing more than the official Israeli government cover-up of the Yitzhak Rabin assassination, orchestrated by the Israeli oligarchy outed by Forbes Israel, who were just following their Euro-Nazi orders, specifically Shimon Peres, as part of their plan to sell out Israel to foreign interests.
We grieve that Mrs. Leah Rabin did not live to hear and witness us echo her call to REOPEN THE RABIN FILE. Her plea fell on deaf ears. We will make sure that our demands cannot be ignored or neglected. We sincerely apologize to the family of Yitzhak Rabin and to the nation of Israel, the Jewish homeland, but trust we can go forward with zeal and determination to right these wrongs, reassured by the words of the Prophet Isaiah: “Zion shall be redeemed with justice.”
In that holy spirit, and in the spirit of Elijah the advocate for Naboth against Ahab and Jezebel,
1) We demand the Israeli government to REOPEN THE RABIN FILE to an independent, international commission as proposed by the highly respectable, Jerusalem-based Root and Branch Association. There are more than enough valid reasons for this, including "new evidence" and recent comments by Atty. Penina Guy, the prosecutor in Yigal Amir's trial in early 1996, who questioned why Amir wasn't killed immediately after he began shooting: “It's still a mystery to me how he managed to shoot three bullets and at the same time even approach Rabin, and, according to the ballistic evidence, actually touch Rabin's jacket for the third bullet..." which the Kempler video of Yitzhak Rabin's assassination proves impossible and Yigal Amir denies.
2) We call upon the Israeli and world media (such as Dateline, 20/20, Nightline) to BROADCAST THE KEMPLER VIDEO and focus on this reopened cold case of Rabin's murder (that refuses to rest until justice is served), in what Israeli political analyst Joel Bainerman predicts will become “the biggest scandal in Israeli history, “and dare to ask the hard questions and address the legitimate concerns that beg their attention (that has too long been denied), including from such “friends” of Yitzhak Rabin as Presidents Clinton and Bush, as well as give long overdue credit to Israeli author Barry Chamish for leading the way in this investigation.
As WorldNetDaily reported, five thoroughly researched books charge the General Security Services of Israel (Shabak) organized Rabin's murder and three of the books contend that Shimon Peres was the mastermind of the assassination.
"All in all," notes Bainerman, "the case against Peres is circumstantial, but the weight of the evidence is impressive enough to start legal proceedings against him."
Let justice be served and the truth be known that Israel may be free to survive and thrive.
For Zion's Sake,
The Justice for Rabin Coalition
Malcolm Hoenlein,
Executive vice president of the Conference of Presidents of major American Jewish Organizations
Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi,
Founder & President, The Israel Project
Morton A. Klein,
National President, Zionist Organization of America
Paul S. Miller,
President, American Jewish Congress
Abraham H. Foxman,
National Director & chairman of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
Ofer Gutman,
North American Representative of World Zionist Organization
Josh Block
AIPAC Director of Media Affairs
E. Robert Goodkind,
President, The American Jewish Committee
An Important Notice:
I'm grieved to report that The Justice for Rabin Coalition, including the sample press release above - "Shimon Peres charged with the murder of Yitzhak Rabin" - unfortunately is not yet a reality, but clearly represents what self-respecting Jewish leaders and organizations would do if they truly loved their fellow Jews and Eretz Yisrael a fraction of what they profess to.
May this "press release" serve as an opportunity for serious soul-searching, for teshuva, or as an indictment against those who fail to act and will be held responsible for the blood of klal Yisrael before the Throne of Heaven. Life and death are set before you. May G-d bless us all to CHOOSE LIFE.
by the Justice for Rabin Coalition
April 27, 2006/ 30 Nisan 5766
We, the undersigned, leaders of major Jewish groups and organizations, hereby sorrowfully acknowledge our lack of leadership in pursuit of justice for slain Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
We deeply regret standing idly by the blood of our brother Yitzhak Rabin, especially after the initial shock of his assassination wore off and gaping holes were exposed in the corrupt conclusions of the Shamgar Commission that we refused to believe. However, we are now convinced the Shamgar Commission represents nothing more than the official Israeli government cover-up of the Yitzhak Rabin assassination, orchestrated by the Israeli oligarchy outed by Forbes Israel, who were just following their Euro-Nazi orders, specifically Shimon Peres, as part of their plan to sell out Israel to foreign interests.
We grieve that Mrs. Leah Rabin did not live to hear and witness us echo her call to REOPEN THE RABIN FILE. Her plea fell on deaf ears. We will make sure that our demands cannot be ignored or neglected. We sincerely apologize to the family of Yitzhak Rabin and to the nation of Israel, the Jewish homeland, but trust we can go forward with zeal and determination to right these wrongs, reassured by the words of the Prophet Isaiah: “Zion shall be redeemed with justice.”
In that holy spirit, and in the spirit of Elijah the advocate for Naboth against Ahab and Jezebel,
1) We demand the Israeli government to REOPEN THE RABIN FILE to an independent, international commission as proposed by the highly respectable, Jerusalem-based Root and Branch Association. There are more than enough valid reasons for this, including "new evidence" and recent comments by Atty. Penina Guy, the prosecutor in Yigal Amir's trial in early 1996, who questioned why Amir wasn't killed immediately after he began shooting: “It's still a mystery to me how he managed to shoot three bullets and at the same time even approach Rabin, and, according to the ballistic evidence, actually touch Rabin's jacket for the third bullet..." which the Kempler video of Yitzhak Rabin's assassination proves impossible and Yigal Amir denies.
2) We call upon the Israeli and world media (such as Dateline, 20/20, Nightline) to BROADCAST THE KEMPLER VIDEO and focus on this reopened cold case of Rabin's murder (that refuses to rest until justice is served), in what Israeli political analyst Joel Bainerman predicts will become “the biggest scandal in Israeli history, “and dare to ask the hard questions and address the legitimate concerns that beg their attention (that has too long been denied), including from such “friends” of Yitzhak Rabin as Presidents Clinton and Bush, as well as give long overdue credit to Israeli author Barry Chamish for leading the way in this investigation.
As WorldNetDaily reported, five thoroughly researched books charge the General Security Services of Israel (Shabak) organized Rabin's murder and three of the books contend that Shimon Peres was the mastermind of the assassination.
"All in all," notes Bainerman, "the case against Peres is circumstantial, but the weight of the evidence is impressive enough to start legal proceedings against him."
Let justice be served and the truth be known that Israel may be free to survive and thrive.
For Zion's Sake,
The Justice for Rabin Coalition
Malcolm Hoenlein,
Executive vice president of the Conference of Presidents of major American Jewish Organizations
Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi,
Founder & President, The Israel Project
Morton A. Klein,
National President, Zionist Organization of America
Paul S. Miller,
President, American Jewish Congress
Abraham H. Foxman,
National Director & chairman of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
Ofer Gutman,
North American Representative of World Zionist Organization
Josh Block
AIPAC Director of Media Affairs
E. Robert Goodkind,
President, The American Jewish Committee
An Important Notice:
I'm grieved to report that The Justice for Rabin Coalition, including the sample press release above - "Shimon Peres charged with the murder of Yitzhak Rabin" - unfortunately is not yet a reality, but clearly represents what self-respecting Jewish leaders and organizations would do if they truly loved their fellow Jews and Eretz Yisrael a fraction of what they profess to.
May this "press release" serve as an opportunity for serious soul-searching, for teshuva, or as an indictment against those who fail to act and will be held responsible for the blood of klal Yisrael before the Throne of Heaven. Life and death are set before you. May G-d bless us all to CHOOSE LIFE.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Amazon reviews by David Ben-Ariel

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, April 27, 2006
Reviewer: David Ben-Ariel - See all my reviews
For the record, I am David Ben-Ariel and am glad to see that the politico-religious subjects addressed within Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall have so "moved" someone to vainly impersonate me and write reviews, including of my own book! How sad.
I have written a few favorable reviews concerning the excellent books by Israeli author Barry Chamish and American author Ryan Mauro, but anybody can clearly see the difference in style, attitude and content between the few I've written and the "others" by a confused person who fears THE TRUTH IS GETTING OUT.
I've reported these desperate infractions to Amazon and trust they shall see to it, but felt it appropriate to mention these facts meanwhile for the general public's sake.
Reasonable folks will acknowledge what I've written is the plain truth and the others will only get frustrated when they fail to subvert (and actually further) what is destined to grow and become a national debate and an international controversy.
Monday, April 17, 2006
The Economist assaults Jerusalem

The last conquest of Jerusalem by the Economist magazine predicts "Israel's plans for Jerusalem will create a large Jewish city but will have harsh consequences for the Palestinians...."
Doesn't the Economist know that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel? Doesn't the Economist know that Israel is the Jewish homeland? Doesn't it stand to reason, then, that the capital of the Jewish homeland should be a large Jewish city? And is the Economist so uninformed they didn't realize that the resident Arabs' standard of living has been raised with the restoration of Jewish rule over the Jews' ancient capital Jerusalem, as well as throughout the Holy Land?
Any "harsh consequences for the Palestinians" are of their own making. It is unbelievable but true that the Israelis didn't evict their sworn enemies from Jerusalem when they liberated Judaism's holiest city during the Six Day War in 1967.
A related Economist article about Jerusalem's holy places - "the heart of holy war" - refers to the "Old City and its holy sites, the stumbling-block of countless peace negotiations, will be put finally out of bounds to all but the couple of hundred thousand Palestinians living in Jerusalem, and the lucky few others who can get visiting permits. Moreover, the wall is just one part of a gradual and complex process of Israeli takeover."
Interesting, and most ironic, that the Economist should use such biblical language to describe Jerusalem as a "stumbling block," when they're falling for the big lie of the "Palestinians" and promoting their divisive agenda to tear the heart of Jerusalem in two, that plays right into the hands of the German-Jesuit EU that has its evil eye upon the Temple Mount.
Zechariah 12:2-3
“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. 3 And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it."
Has The Economist foolishly joined with the dark forces drunk on the delusion that Jerusalem should become "an international city," stripped of Israeli sovereignty, aiding and abetting those who plot a gradual and deceitful process of foreign takeover?
Is the Economist so ignorant of both the Bible and history that they fail to recognize Jerusalem and Israel were already taken over by squatters; that those with illegitimate claims to the Promised Land of Israel (not Ishmael) have coveted the Jewish homeland with an insane jealousy, and that the Jews have only just begun the liberation of the Holy Land? (Notwithstanding the valley of the shadow of death Israel has descended into, misled by treacherous leaders who have sold out to foreign interests, paving the way for EU occupation before the process of redemption is fulfilled).
Israel is to be blamed for not immediately expelling their sworn enemies who forfeited any rights they might have had to remain in the land when they engaged in wars of genocide against the Jews. As a harsh consequence of such sinful inaction, such woeful neglect and dereliction of politico-religious duty, every major Arab group and organization within Israel brazenly continues to call for the destruction of Israel; they remain a constant source of friction (Numbers 33:55-56), the prophesied pricks in Israel's side and represent thorny issues that won't simply go away -- but must, with decisive Jewish leadership, be sent away, as former Israeli Parliament Member and rabbi, Meir Kahane, with great foresight and wisdom called for, saying: "They must go!"
Israel, as a result of an ever growing debt of national sin (Dan. 9:11), suffers the curse of wicked leaders like Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres and now Ehud Olmert with the corrupt Kadima, kapos of compromise, who would rather evict Jews from their homes than drive out Nazi-Muslims! Israel's surrendered "land for peace" and yet the Israelis find themselves with a lot less land and not an inch closer to peace, and they still follow the failed formula, insanely expecting different results, trusting the leopard will somehow change its spots.
The last conquest of Jerusalem is near. Watch for the Vatican and its useful idiots, its puppet politicians and unholy religious leaders, become an international chorus of discontent, demanding the enforcement of UN Resolution 181 as the final solution for Jerusalem.
All of this was foretold. Jerusalem will suffer a brutal betrayal and foreign occupation that carves up the heart of Israel and pollutes the Temple Mount.
Zechariah 14:1-4
1 Behold, the day of the LORD is coming,
And your spoil will be divided in your midst.
2 For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem;
The city shall be taken,
The houses rifled,
And the women ravished.
Half of the city shall go into captivity,
But the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
3 Then the LORD will go forth
And fight against those nations,
As He fights in the day of battle.
4 And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives,
Which faces Jerusalem on the east.
And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two,
From east to west,
Making a very large valley;
Half of the mountain shall move toward the north
And half of it toward the south.
Psalm 118:26
26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD!
The good news is that the prophesied Gentile occupation of Jerusalem will only last for 3 1/2 years before help from on High, the Son of Man, is sent to liberate Jerusalem from its last conquest, shaking up the New World Order and leaving it in rubble, establishing in its place the legitimate Kingdom of God-Beings.
David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region.
Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body
Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body
by David Ben-Ariel
I met Yitzhak Rabin in the Israeli Parliament in 1982 during Hanukkah. I was able to talk with him briefly and mention I was associated with Ambassador College in Pasadena, California.
That was a tactful way of saying I'm a Christian since I knew he personally knew Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God, including the Plain Truth magazine. Mr. Armstrong had presented him with a gift of Steuben crystal before.
I was a volunteer at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan at the time, in Northern Israel near Haifa. Just so happens Rabin had lived there for over a year in the late '50s.
I initially considered Rabin - born in Jerusalem - a traitor for surrendering too much to sworn Arab enemies who had not changed their goal of genocide, only their tactics; for going against clear security concerns he once expressed. (I was in a cafe in Jerusalem when he was shot in Tel Aviv). I refused to attend his funeral, although I had attended Rabbi Meir Kahane's some years before.
Later I found out Rabin was apparently being pressured by the dark powers that be to continue to go against what he knew was wrong and that he resisted and was therefore MURDERED by them for coming to his senses.
I do not believe Yigal Amir murdered Rabin. ( I've met Avishai Raviv several times at demonstrations - he's the government agent provacateur who goaded Raviv to murder Rabin). Amir is a patsy, the fall-guy, as is thoroughly expounded upon in Who Killed Yitzhak Rabin by Barry Chamish, his first book that broached the subject and clearly indicts the traitor and murderer Shimon Peres (whose Hebrew name appropriately means vulture).
I repeatedly condemn Shimon Peres as a kapo of compromise, a prostitute who serves his German-Jesuit EU masters, a traitor who has sold and is selling out Jews, Jerusalem and Israel and say as much in my book Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall I am on public record against his perfidy and continue to expose him. He was the Bolshevik in charge during my unjust deportation, who was very much aware of an article published in Jerusalem where I mention the EU plans for Jerusalem's occupation.
The Israeli Secret Police (six men interrogated me) had a computer disk with Beyond Babylon on it and said many would read it/examine it during their investigation of me during their wild goose chase. I told them to make sure Peres read it.
New evidence further PROVES Yigal Amir did not kill Yitzhak Rabin. It's past time Israelis demand: REOPEN THE RABIN FILE.
The Kempler Video Blog
David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.
by David Ben-Ariel
I met Yitzhak Rabin in the Israeli Parliament in 1982 during Hanukkah. I was able to talk with him briefly and mention I was associated with Ambassador College in Pasadena, California.
That was a tactful way of saying I'm a Christian since I knew he personally knew Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God, including the Plain Truth magazine. Mr. Armstrong had presented him with a gift of Steuben crystal before.
I was a volunteer at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan at the time, in Northern Israel near Haifa. Just so happens Rabin had lived there for over a year in the late '50s.
I initially considered Rabin - born in Jerusalem - a traitor for surrendering too much to sworn Arab enemies who had not changed their goal of genocide, only their tactics; for going against clear security concerns he once expressed. (I was in a cafe in Jerusalem when he was shot in Tel Aviv). I refused to attend his funeral, although I had attended Rabbi Meir Kahane's some years before.
Later I found out Rabin was apparently being pressured by the dark powers that be to continue to go against what he knew was wrong and that he resisted and was therefore MURDERED by them for coming to his senses.
I do not believe Yigal Amir murdered Rabin. ( I've met Avishai Raviv several times at demonstrations - he's the government agent provacateur who goaded Raviv to murder Rabin). Amir is a patsy, the fall-guy, as is thoroughly expounded upon in Who Killed Yitzhak Rabin by Barry Chamish, his first book that broached the subject and clearly indicts the traitor and murderer Shimon Peres (whose Hebrew name appropriately means vulture).
I repeatedly condemn Shimon Peres as a kapo of compromise, a prostitute who serves his German-Jesuit EU masters, a traitor who has sold and is selling out Jews, Jerusalem and Israel and say as much in my book Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall I am on public record against his perfidy and continue to expose him. He was the Bolshevik in charge during my unjust deportation, who was very much aware of an article published in Jerusalem where I mention the EU plans for Jerusalem's occupation.
The Israeli Secret Police (six men interrogated me) had a computer disk with Beyond Babylon on it and said many would read it/examine it during their investigation of me during their wild goose chase. I told them to make sure Peres read it.
New evidence further PROVES Yigal Amir did not kill Yitzhak Rabin. It's past time Israelis demand: REOPEN THE RABIN FILE.
The Kempler Video Blog
David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.
Friday, April 14, 2006
The Israel Project & Rabin Murder
Doesn't the Israel Project seek justice for Rabin? Does the Israel Project have any official comment on the Kempler video? Or has the Israel Project been bought off like so many other kapos?
David Ben-Ariel
Our mission is to educate journalists concerning Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict before they write their stories. To do this well, we have to focus, which means saying “no” to many other topics/issues. This video is outside our scope of focus.
Jack Zigon Senior Advisor for Strategy and Media
Direct 610 291 5884 l Fax 484 450 2003 |
The Israel Project | 2020 K Street, NW, Suite 7600 | Washington, DC 20006-1806
Winning the war of words and images, to make a safer world for our global Jewish family
David Ben-Ariel
Our mission is to educate journalists concerning Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict before they write their stories. To do this well, we have to focus, which means saying “no” to many other topics/issues. This video is outside our scope of focus.
Jack Zigon Senior Advisor for Strategy and Media
Direct 610 291 5884 l Fax 484 450 2003 |
The Israel Project | 2020 K Street, NW, Suite 7600 | Washington, DC 20006-1806
Winning the war of words and images, to make a safer world for our global Jewish family
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Shimon Peres plots with Pope against Jerusalem
Peres Meets With Pope in Vatican
17:39 Apr 06, '06 / 8 Nisan 5766
The two met for 40 minutes in the Vatican, and the Pope said he hopes to visit Israel sometime in the first half of next year. They said afterwards that they had discussed Middle East matters. "I definitely believe that a visit by the Pope can influence the peace process," Peres told reporters.
Peres is reported, in 1994, to have promised the Vatican official status in Jerusalem.
In February 2000, the Vatican and the Palestinian Authority signed an agreement calling for an internationally guaranteed special status for Jerusalem. The agreement stated that a special statute would protect "equality before the law of the three monotheistic religions [in Jerusalem], the proper identity and sacred character of the city, [and] freedom of access" to the city's holy sites.
Israel objected, saying that freedom of religion is already protected throughout the country. It also opposed the Vatican's treatment of the PA as an independent country.
Shortly afterwards, Pope John Paul II visited Israel, and - unlike one of his predecessors, Pope Paul VI, who visited in 1964 - agreed to come to Jerusalem. Pope John Paul met with the Chief Rabbis in their Jerusalem offices, and visited Yad Vashem as well. Pope Paul, on the other hand, refused to visit Jerusalem, leading then-Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Nissim to boycott his visit altogether.
During his visit in 2000, Pope John Paul II conducted a prayer service in Bethlehem, and announced that the Vatican had always recognized the Palestinians' national rights to a homeland. Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, Dean of Yeshivat Ateret Cohanim, said in response that the Pope's goal was simply to obtain a foothold in Jerusalem for the Church, and that his visit was one way the Pope hoped to reach this goal.
"If the Catholics would at least stop supporting the establishment of a Palestinian state in our land, and stop supporting the other Arab nations around us - then this could be considered a significant step," Rabbi Aviner said.
Pope John Paul II did not expressly apologize for the role played by the Church, and its silence, during the Holocaust. He said instead that the Church is "deeply saddened by the hatred, acts of persecution and displays of anti-Semitism directed against the Jews by Christians at any time and in any place... I fervently pray that our sorrow for the tragedy which the Jewish people suffered in the 20th century will lead to a new relationship between Christians and Jews. Let us build a new future in which there will be no more anti-Jewish feeling among Christians or anti-Christian feeling among Jews..."
Former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau has said that an earlier pope, Pope Pius XII, refused several requests by Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog to meet with him before and during the Holocaust to discuss how the Church could help save Jewish lives. After the war, too, Chief Rabbi Herzog asked for the Pope's assistance in locating Jewish orphans who were cared for by Catholic families, and again, the Pope refused.
The current pope has been following in the footsteps of his predecessor John Paul in trying to improve Jewish-Catholic relations.
Shimon Peres, the bloody vulture who came to power over Rabin's dead body, and now Sharon's as well (and who knows if Ehud Olmert is next?), prostrates himself before the pagan pope in Rome and invites disaster, knowing exactly what he is doing. It's all part of their grand design to sever the heart of Jerusalem from the body of Israel and it all centers around Mount Zion and the Temple Mount.
Watch for the increasingly political pope to call for implentation of UN Resolution 181, acting like an ambassador for world peace while actually the Bavarian pope is nothing but a Roman wolf in sheep's clothing!
Unless the Israelis undergo a serious change of heart and direction, the fascist German-Jesuit EU is destined to seize Jerusalem in a brutal betrayal that will rock the world and shake the nations. All this horror will have been made possibly by treacherous political and religious leaders in Israel - from the vulture Shimon Peres to the butcher Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger (a silly dove who looks to the Assyrian Germans for salvation).
17:39 Apr 06, '06 / 8 Nisan 5766
The two met for 40 minutes in the Vatican, and the Pope said he hopes to visit Israel sometime in the first half of next year. They said afterwards that they had discussed Middle East matters. "I definitely believe that a visit by the Pope can influence the peace process," Peres told reporters.
Peres is reported, in 1994, to have promised the Vatican official status in Jerusalem.
In February 2000, the Vatican and the Palestinian Authority signed an agreement calling for an internationally guaranteed special status for Jerusalem. The agreement stated that a special statute would protect "equality before the law of the three monotheistic religions [in Jerusalem], the proper identity and sacred character of the city, [and] freedom of access" to the city's holy sites.
Israel objected, saying that freedom of religion is already protected throughout the country. It also opposed the Vatican's treatment of the PA as an independent country.
Shortly afterwards, Pope John Paul II visited Israel, and - unlike one of his predecessors, Pope Paul VI, who visited in 1964 - agreed to come to Jerusalem. Pope John Paul met with the Chief Rabbis in their Jerusalem offices, and visited Yad Vashem as well. Pope Paul, on the other hand, refused to visit Jerusalem, leading then-Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Nissim to boycott his visit altogether.
During his visit in 2000, Pope John Paul II conducted a prayer service in Bethlehem, and announced that the Vatican had always recognized the Palestinians' national rights to a homeland. Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, Dean of Yeshivat Ateret Cohanim, said in response that the Pope's goal was simply to obtain a foothold in Jerusalem for the Church, and that his visit was one way the Pope hoped to reach this goal.
"If the Catholics would at least stop supporting the establishment of a Palestinian state in our land, and stop supporting the other Arab nations around us - then this could be considered a significant step," Rabbi Aviner said.
Pope John Paul II did not expressly apologize for the role played by the Church, and its silence, during the Holocaust. He said instead that the Church is "deeply saddened by the hatred, acts of persecution and displays of anti-Semitism directed against the Jews by Christians at any time and in any place... I fervently pray that our sorrow for the tragedy which the Jewish people suffered in the 20th century will lead to a new relationship between Christians and Jews. Let us build a new future in which there will be no more anti-Jewish feeling among Christians or anti-Christian feeling among Jews..."
Former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau has said that an earlier pope, Pope Pius XII, refused several requests by Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog to meet with him before and during the Holocaust to discuss how the Church could help save Jewish lives. After the war, too, Chief Rabbi Herzog asked for the Pope's assistance in locating Jewish orphans who were cared for by Catholic families, and again, the Pope refused.
The current pope has been following in the footsteps of his predecessor John Paul in trying to improve Jewish-Catholic relations.
Shimon Peres, the bloody vulture who came to power over Rabin's dead body, and now Sharon's as well (and who knows if Ehud Olmert is next?), prostrates himself before the pagan pope in Rome and invites disaster, knowing exactly what he is doing. It's all part of their grand design to sever the heart of Jerusalem from the body of Israel and it all centers around Mount Zion and the Temple Mount.
Watch for the increasingly political pope to call for implentation of UN Resolution 181, acting like an ambassador for world peace while actually the Bavarian pope is nothing but a Roman wolf in sheep's clothing!
Unless the Israelis undergo a serious change of heart and direction, the fascist German-Jesuit EU is destined to seize Jerusalem in a brutal betrayal that will rock the world and shake the nations. All this horror will have been made possibly by treacherous political and religious leaders in Israel - from the vulture Shimon Peres to the butcher Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger (a silly dove who looks to the Assyrian Germans for salvation).
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Two Witnesses against UN Resolution 181
Two Witnesses to Testify in Jerusalem Against Europe!
Who will stand up to the Beast and False Prophet? Who will offer hope and comfort to Israel's captive audience?
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11
Will two witnesses, two prophets, literally face the nations from Jerusalem? What is their message? Why are they murdered? When are they resurrected?
Two Witnesses in Jerusalem
"The whole world will soon know about the two witnesses. They will not be welcome by this world." Will they be welcome by the Church of God?
The Two Witnesses
Who will stand up to the Beast and False Prophet? Who will offer hope and comfort to Israel's captive audience?
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11
Will two witnesses, two prophets, literally face the nations from Jerusalem? What is their message? Why are they murdered? When are they resurrected?
Two Witnesses in Jerusalem
"The whole world will soon know about the two witnesses. They will not be welcome by this world." Will they be welcome by the Church of God?
The Two Witnesses
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